Sunday, October 25, 2009


I took a shortcut home today
For I was much in haste
Had I many things to do
And no time I could waste

A shortcut’s what I thought I took
It gave me such a thrill
But that optimism shortly died
As I came upon a hill

Having traveled to far to turn around
I just hung my head and sighed
Although it was a short way over
It was very steep and wide

I searched once more for another way
But found no other course
So up the hill I started to go
My feelings full of remorse

The first few steps came with an ease
I felt no ounce of pain
But the further I ascended up
The more they came with strain

Then I finally reached a point
That my legs began to ache
They stopped quick, refusing to move
‘Was more than they could take

I stood there in great agony
Panting for some air
My sweat drenched down upon my clothes
Wetting my face and my hair

Not wanting to continue
But knowing that I should
I began my journey again
Knowing that I could

Higher and higher I went up
My muscles growing sore
Until the fatigue became too much
And I had to stop once more

Despair and frustration began to set in
I was discouraged in my heart
But I knew deep within, I must begin
Finishing what I had start

So yet again I began to climb
Refusing this time to stop
And through the affliction and the pain
I finally reached the top

I looked around to celebrate
And gloat my victory
When something enormous caught my eye
That towered over me

I sat down upon the peak
And looked out at the sight
For behind the hill that I was on
Was one that doubled its height

I thought about what I’d achieved
But now I did not care
Although I gave it all I’ve got
It still got me nowhere

I continued sitting there
In my sullen state
Until I had a thought occur
That turned me from my hate

I had achieved victory
Yes, I had truly won
I now just have a second hill
To also overcome

And with a new found vigor
My state now in transcend
I stood up from the spot I had sat
And began to make my descend

By Aaron Michael

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